Anthony Stultz

Anthony Stultz

Premier Poste:: Truck Driver, TRA Atlantic #002, Middleton, NS
Poste Actuel:: Driver, TRA Atlantic #002, Middleton, NS
Famille: Jennifer; children Leah, Ethan, Mirah

Qu’est-ce qui vous a le plus marquée lors de votre première journée de travail?

All the other drivers thought I was a new striker [helper] as they thought I was too young to drive.

Quel est le meilleur aspect de votre travail chez Sobeys?

I feel proud to work for a company that gives back to the community as much as Sobeys. We make our living from the community, you have to give back.

Quel est le moment de votre carrière chez Sobeys dont vous êtes la plus fière?

I'm proud of receiving a Value Champion Award; I was nominated three times and won it once. I won it after seeing on Facebook that a family had their groceries stolen at Christmastime. I thought, who steals groceries at Christmastime, and I took them down enough for a turkey dinner. It was the least I could do.

Quel est votre souvenir préféré des 25 dernières années?

All the Christmas parties.

Quels conseils donneriez-vous à un nouvel employé de Sobeys?

Stick with it.

Qui est la personne que vous admirez le plus?

My father.

Pour moi, Sobeys est une......

...the best.