Christopher Sobey

Christopher Sobey

Premier Poste:: Parcel Pick Up, Sobeys, New Glasgow, NS
Poste Actuel:: Director Operations Lawtons, Stellarton Office, NS
Famille: Wife Colleen, daughter Olivia, sons Cameron and Mitchell

Qu’est-ce qui vous a le plus marquée lors de votre première journée de travail?

I started when I was 14 at Aberdeen Mall, New Glasgow, with store manager Fred Heighton. The biggest thing I remember was just trying not to mess up the orders!

Quel est le meilleur aspect de votre travail chez Sobeys?

I like developing my employees and ultimately seeing them be successful.

Quel est le moment de votre carrière chez Sobeys dont vous êtes la plus fière?

My proudest Sobeys moment was in 1998 when we went national. But I don't really think about the size of the business, I think about serving the customer every day. When the family set out, it wasn't to have a national company, it was to have a well-merchandised grocery store that will serve the local community. And then the next store came and the next one came and before you know it, you have a large company.

Qui est la personne que vous admirez le plus?


Si vous pouviez vivre n'importe où dans le monde, où serait-elle?

Here in Atlantic Canada.

Pour moi, Sobeys est une......

...the place I can do my best each and every day.