Brian Allison

Brian Allison

Premier Poste:: Grocery Clerk, Sobeys #562, Grand Bay, NB
Poste Actuel:: Meat Manger, Sobeys #778, Saint John, NB
Famille: Lisa; children Sam and Jacob

Qu’est-ce qui vous a le plus marquée lors de votre première journée de travail?

The best part is the many great friends I have met at Sobeys.

Quel est le meilleur aspect de votre travail chez Sobeys?

Getting the position of Meat Manager at the new Sobeys Extra store. Starting from scratch with a brand new store to the grand opening was exciting, and a feather in my cap. I learned a lot.

Quel est le moment de votre carrière chez Sobeys dont vous êtes la plus fière?

My favourite memory was meeting my wife while working at Sobeys; we both still work for Sobeys.

Quels conseils donneriez-vous à un nouvel employé de Sobeys?

Don't be afraid to ask for help and to learn new things. Be outgoing with customers and show interest in them.

Pour moi, Sobeys est une......

?busy -- it's a lot of hustle and bustle, there's always so much to do. And it's fun!