Brian Allison

Brian Allison

First Position: Grocery Clerk, Sobeys #562, Grand Bay, NB
Current Position: Meat Manger, Sobeys #778, Saint John, NB
Family: Lisa; children Sam and Jacob

What do you remember most about your first day on the job?

The best part is the many great friends I have met at Sobeys.

What is the best part of working at Sobeys?

Getting the position of Meat Manager at the new Sobeys Extra store. Starting from scratch with a brand new store to the grand opening was exciting, and a feather in my cap. I learned a lot.

What is your proudest moment as a Sobeys employee?

My favourite memory was meeting my wife while working at Sobeys; we both still work for Sobeys.

What advice would you give to a new Sobeys employee?

Don't be afraid to ask for help and to learn new things. Be outgoing with customers and show interest in them.

My Sobeys is...

busy -- it's a lot of hustle and bustle, there's always so much to do. And it's fun!